Articles & Info on
Everything Sacred
" As we learn to purify the body, removing all the blocks, past
suffering, tension and thoughts that do not serve us, more
energy flows throughout and our connection to everything is
tangibly experienced. It is at this moment of realization
that we truly open to the divine expression of ourselves and the
source of our existence. " Divinea
This page
lists all articles on this site so if you are looking for a
topic you will likely find it here.
- It is
almost impossible for a man to truly experience
Authentic Tantra
if he is distracted with a woman when he is first
learning, as he does not know how to direct his
energy appropriately as yet.
- While learning, men
will have a tendency to slip back into typical sensual
practice and instead will unconsciously, energetically drain themselves and
the person they are working with. If that partner or
practitioner is saavy with Authentic Tantra practice,
they will naturally want to guide a man more
appropriately into these Sacred Sensual Arts. Why
is this so important?
- The orgasmic process
actually sends an electrical charge through the body,
collecting and passing information throughout.
Anyone within 5-7 feet of the person having an orgasm,
will be susceptible to this passing of information, as
it is transferred via the auras of each individual.
In other wards, all baggage within each body, is
transferred from person to person like a data download
on a pc, unless they are
versed in Authentic Tantra practices.
- Energy is transferred
even without actually having sex or engaging with
someone, unless that someone is aware of working with
the Authentic Tantra arts. This is a very
important factor that most people are totally unaware
- Imagine for a moment,
how much baggage you are collecting and taking home to
your partner, if you are having random erotic or sensual
sessions out there with people who deal with many
clients daily. These sensual masseuses have no clue
about protecting themselves from taking on clients
baggage and
thus collect tons of junk from every person they deal
with daily. That is why most of them often
only last a year or two in the business, as they are loaded
with other peoples stuff. Eventually all this
excess baggage collects in the body, creating huge areas
of blocked energy and thus, takes it's
toll by making the person sick, jaded, angry or shut down.
- How do you tell if
someone is Authentic Sacred Tantra saavy or not? If they
are engaging with you sensually at all, even with simple
touch or body slides and you are not extremely well versed
in Sacred Tantra practice, then they are not Tantra
aware, nor are they doing their own homework in this
regard. If they were, they would never engage with
someone who was clueless about Tantra, as to do so is to
fill themselves with other peoples stuff.
- Wonder why you and your
partner are getting more distant? It is their
natural inclination to intuitively step back or engage
less with you as a way to protect themselves from taking
on more baggage. This energy, is naturally transferred into their body
through sexual exchange, whenever either of you has an
orgasm. As it collects, it might show up like jealousy,
distance, or disconnection. Eventually, if not cleared,
it creates pain,
sickness, dis-ease and the aging process within them.
- Partners
do tune into this extra stuff you have brought home,
count on it, as it is foreign to them. How will you know
if this is happening? This baggage will look like expectations, dysfunctional behavior patterns
and emotional triggers between the two of you. That is what
blocked energy in our bodies stems from in the first
place, as it is unhealed or stuck emotions that have not
been fully expressed or released.
- The beauty of working
with Authentic Sacred Tantra practice, is that once one
learns to open the channels and work with their energy
more appropriately from head to toe, baggage
is naturally dissolved during ecstatic states of
orgasmic bliss. This allows the life force to be be fully
optimized to open, reconnect, energize, heal, clear and
revitalize the whole system simultaneously,
Body-Mind-Spirit. How perfect is that?
- One must actually learn how to work with their own
body to experience the amazing results that can be
achieved with simple Tantra practices. Divinea
specializes in sharing this awareness hands on with
clients during their first Authentic Sacred Tantra
experience, so they will know how to achieve the results
on their own afterwards. Sessions are full body
and Divinea works with the sensual aspect head to toe to
show clients how to experience far more with simple
little Tantra secrets.
- Once a man actually
learns how to work with their own body more
appropriately with Authentic Sacred Tantra practices
(not all the pseudo tantra out there), he has a much
greater advantage over other men. Utilizing Tantra
practices, he will be able to work with most any woman
and have incredibly increased abilities and experiences
with all of them. Men become the best lovers possible
when they really get the value of the Authentic Sacred
Tantra practices. With these incredible, life
changing secrets passed down for generations, they now
have the awareness and tools to go all night and be
totally energized after every orgasm, ready for more!"
'Women are naturally
Tantra to some degree, as they are wired from the heart.
Men are wired from the genital area so they must do
Authentic Sacred Tantra to bring their energy up to the
heart level, so they can experience more like women do
Men have very little control over their
abilities because they generally, unknowingly keep all their energy in the genitals.
As a result, many struggle with issues like control or PE (premature
ejaculation) and are often tired after sex. You
will never be tired after sex or struggle with control
anymore when you utilize simple Authentic Sacred Tantra
practices, as this will be a thing of the past, even
after your very first session with Divinea.
Search for the G-spot
See CBC story - In Search of the G-spot
G-spot awareness originates in the Sanskrit texts of the Vedas
which are more than 20,000 years old and are found in the
ancient Hindu culture in India. Here lie Yogic and Tantric
teachings that were meant to be shared with everyone, to inspire
that remembrance and connection to the Source of our Existence.
One simply has to look at Mother Nature to see that something
extremely intelligent has created the amazing world we live in.
We are unfortunately, very un-educated when it comes to the true
purpose of our sensual side, resulting in most people being so
blocked up and shut down sexually, they need toys, pornography,
multiple partners and so on, just to feel anymore. It is no
wonder that the G-spot is a controversial point in this
The wisdom of the Vedic teachings is vast and all encompassing,
offering insight and awareness on all aspects of life, living,
loving and being. Ancient teachings share self healing knowledge
around sexuality, relationships, ayurvedic wellness, what to eat
for our body type and so much more. Most importantly, the texts
share the reminder of our connection with the source of the LOVE
we all inherently seek and remember.
How does the woman’s G-spot come into this conversation? It is
equivalent to the Sacred Spot or prostate on a man and both are
the most erotic zones we each have, more so than the clitoris or
penis we tend to focus on with typical sensual practices. These
very important energy centers are activation points. When worked
with appropriately in conjunction with a couple of other points
and specific deep pranic breath techniques, can open pathways in
the body that allow us to build and store life force for future
Unfortunately, our lack of education around sexuality in our
world is obvious by the dysfunctional way we often approach sex,
as we tend to focus on it as a physical sexual act, rather than
truly experiencing it as the spiritual act of reconnecting
ourselves with the Source of LOVE we all seek. By delving deeply
into ancient Authentic Tantra practices, we experience
incredible ecstatic states that are a window into what is
possible when we open channels and reconnect with that Source.
Our sexuality was meant to revitalize, energize, heal and clear
out the stored baggage and kharma we collect all our lives.
Utilizing the G-spot and Authentic Tantra, we are able to clean
house while enjoying ecstatic states of bliss and connection to
our original nature. How perfect is that?
Greatly expand
your "Charisma Factor"
Amplify and improve your ability to
draw healthy partners to you, by increasing your "Charisma
Factor", Authentic Sacred Tantra practice naturally creates more self confidence,
deeper intimacy, amazing control and slows down the aging
process naturally, by its very application. Discover how simple
secrets empower you to optimize personal abilities, while
revitalizing energy, health and overall well being.
Many health or sexual challenges
such as premature ejaculation or control issues, erectile
problems, sexual addiction or sexual abuse trauma may be
eliminated permanently. Understanding how Tantra works in
the body will allow you to experience and relate to how this is
Divinea is committed
to sharing these valuable practices so discover how easy it is
to re-invent yourself with the Yoga's of Tantra. Gain valuable new awareness with these Fountain of Youth secrets,
ancient wisdom
kept sacred for thousands of years.
Surprise yourself as you learn invaluable awareness
that will absolutely change and improve
your sensual experiences both with yourself
or a partner. Tantra clears baggage that collects and creates sickness, pain, dis-ease and
the aging process. This old junk is stored like the history and
cookies on your computer and must be cleared often, just like the
pc to prevent blockages that manifest as issues.
Wonder why you consistently attract the same dysfunctional
partners? As old energy clears everything changes and a joyful,
vital and new sense of self is created.
Authentic Sacred Tantra
deepens our connection and understanding to everything around
us, creating more compassionate experiences with our planet and
fellow humans. All the amazing energy you will be downloading in
the form of ecstatic bliss creates a journey of discovery that will far
exceed your expectations.
Some interesting SEX
FACT: 65, 000 couples around the world are having
sex this moment!
turns up your "Charisma Factor" so you'll
attract far more attention!
who help with housework get 50% more sex than other men.
FACT: 75%
of men have orgasms during sex but only 29% of women do.
men can last all night, so couples have more time to enjoy
guy can impregnate every female alive with 2 weeks of his
Women are less likely to be sexually motivated when on the
FACT: 75%
of men ejaculate within 2 minutes of intercourse.
Tantra orgasm and ejaculation can be 2 separate experiences.
lose 2 weeks of energy and a pint of blood with each
It is
vital for men to learn how to have orgasms without
Finding a woman's G-spot definitely improves her orgasmic
teaches everyone new secrets that they likely never knew
Sperm has anti-wrinkle properties when rubbed into the skin.
FACT: Half
all internet spending is for sex related services or
Why spend
money just looking when Tantra helps create the reality?
Wake up the very
essence of LOVE and deep intimacy from within. Experience
Authentic Sacred Tantra with Divinea and open many doors
you didn't even know were possible.
What is
Authentic Sacred Tantra Exactly?
by Divinea Love
(post June 16, 2011. 7:20pm PST)
Tantra is the most
valuable awareness that anyone could integrate into their life,
as it heals and revitalizes Body-Mind-Spirit as a whole.
Considered the FOUNTAIN of YOUTH,
Tantra originates in the Vedic traditions of India which date
back some 20,000 years. It is also found in virtually every
ancient culture more than 5000 years ago. In our culture when
we hear the word Tantra, we often…right?
Tantra is actually a consciously
chosen practice that engages the Body-Mind-Spirit as a whole, to
create divine health and a deeper, more intimate connection to
the Divine. It may be utilized during sensual practice to highly
amplify ones experience, energy, ability and control by opening
the channels properly and working with energy points and breath.
As Tantric energy created in this way is extremely powerful,
care must be taken to direct it appropriately, so it also heals
the body, rather than harm it.
Unfortunately typical sensuality,
practiced as we know it, actually hurts our bodies because we
have not been taught to work with our energy intelligently.
Instead we constantly waste our resources, deplete the body and
leave ourselves tired and in need of a recharge. This is why
guidance from an Authentic Tantra practitioner is so valuable.
Tantra is a lifestyle shift, that
brings us from the often unconscious physical act of sex into
the conscious place of a deeply intimate connection with
ourselves, our partners and everything in Creation, all the
The value of Authentic Sacred
Tantra cannot be underestimated. In otherwards… how good can
you stand it?
Think of your
Body as a Living Computer
From this perspective, it is
understood that all the computers energy systems must function in harmony
with each other, even though each has a different purpose. As
everything is connected, we must take care to clear baggage out
the system often, so it functions at optimum with appropriately
sourced clean energy to make it run properly. One of the many
bonuses of clearing our body temple…our sensual side is blasted
free and the pleasure volume switch turns up immensely.
Imagine if you did not clean out
your pc for years…it would be so bogged down with useless stored
data, that it would barely run anymore. Tantra is like clearing
out the history and cookies while doing a virus scan and disc
defrag on your pc. As lots more space and energy is freed up
it functions more optimally. Think of your body in the same
way…you must clear old data regularly or the energy gets blocked
and stagnates. Pain, sickness and dis-ease are created from all
our stored blocked energy, which then speeds up the aging
process as well.
It is important to choose a
well-trained Authentic Sacred Tantra practitioner to guide you
through the Tantra journey safely. 99% of the people offering
“tantra” do no Tantra whatsoever. As well, during ecstatic
states, baggage is exchanged with whoever is nearby. In order to
benefit from Fountain of Youth secrets, one must be actively and
personally engaged in the process themselves, as no one can
actually do Tantra to you without this key piece in place.
Where does our
baggage come from?
Every negative thought, vision,
picture or memory, including unbridled emotions or stress that
allow us to be triggered by someone or something, is a clear
indication of old energy baggage or data files stored in the
body, wasting valuable space in our delicate body computer.
Just like our pc’s, once old data
is cleared, the body is able to enjoy far more sensation,
vitality, control, ability, well-being and greatly increased
energy. (Level 1 – Open, Reconnect, Energize stage of Tantra).
From a sensual perspective, by understanding how to open the
body channels fully, we are able to clean house, store lots of
valuable life force and totally revitalize the whole system
while enjoying amazing states of ecstatic bliss.
Where else can we take out the
garbage while enjoying incredibly ecstatic energy highs? (Level
2 - Burn and Bliss stage of Tantra) Once the body and aura (the
bodies outer filter system) have enough high vibration energy
stored, things shift really quickly into overdrive. This
essentially activates the Sacred Fire within, dissolving the low
vibration energies effortlessly, while turning the whole body
into an orgasmic sense organ in the process.
If we activate and hold this high
vibration energy in the body for extended periods of time, it
keeps fueling the fire, so we naturally move into higher states
of consciousness and a deeply intimate connection with the
Divine, God, Source, Creation, your higher self or whatever you
want to call it. This creates extremely transformational, out of
body experiences with the Divine and is definitely better than
any drug! (Level 3 – First Awakening in our Journey to the
This website was created
as a vehicle to share with others seeking self-empowerment through the Arts of
Authentic Sacred Tantra. Article
links to come with new website build in process right now!